Oklahoma Red River Realty Group - Amanda Muller
Amanda Muller
Oklahoma Red River Realty Group
Hudson Oaks, TX
Licenca nr: 0202836 - TX / REALTOR® në Amanda Muller at Keller Williams Oklahoma Red River Realty Group
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GJUHËT English
PËRKATËSIA USHTARAKE Supporter / Patriot - United States United States Army
MARKET CENTER Oklahoma Red River Realty Group

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Hello, my name is Amanda Muller. I grew up in the mountains of Bailey, Colorado and transplanted to Oklahoma in 2005. Since moving to this beautiful state I have grown to love the community, I have found so much to see and do, and have built a beautiful life for my family. From attending church to having my kids in school our local community plays a huge role in my family's lives. I couldn't be more blessed with the people we have found here. We enjoy hiking at the Wichita Wildlife refuge center, camping at Sulphur Springs, and my husband even scuba dives at Lake Murry on occasion. I became a licensed Real Estate Agent in 2022 but my interest in Real Estate started much younger. From the time I was a teenager I was passionate about learning as much about Real Estate as I possibly could. The whole process is fascinating to me. From learning how a property is documented by the tax assessors office, how an abstract is updated, how a property is listed to being a landlady myself I want to know! If you choose to use me as your real estate agent, trust that I will show as much passion for you and your home.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Amanda Muller
Numri i licencës: 0202836
Amanda Muller at Keller Williams Oklahoma Red River Realty Group

Të interesuar? Le te bisedojme!
Oklahoma Red River Realty Group
110 NW 36th St., Lawton, OK 73505

Amanda Muller
REALTOR® 0202836
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